This post was forced on me by Jen at
Solo Travel Girl (I wasn't actually forced, she asked politely). I agreed to this because Jen has been a long-time reader of this blog and we met for dinner and drinks in Chinatown last summer. This post is the idea of
TripBase (but not all participating blogs are travel related). Unfortunately, I have go back through six years of posts to find seven that belong in this list. I also broke the rules and posted more than seven links.
My Most Beautiful Post:
I have a few posts I could call beautiful. I suppose the stories of dating Jia or our wedding would rank up there. However, the best memories I have with my wife are from our trips--she's been my favorite travel partner since we began dating. Though it wasn't the most comfortable of trips, our
tour through Jiuzhaigou was beautiful, and it is one of my fondest memories of China.
Most Popular Post:

This is a difficult one. Looking at six years of traffic to this site, I probably get the most consistent traffic on a review of
Peter Hessler's Oracle Bones. However, I've decided to look at one-time popularity instead. Oddly enough my most popular post was a simple
description and photos of a t-shirt Jia had made for our first anniversary. I got noticed by a few people and passed around. It generated a few thousand hits in a few days. Unfortunately, that shirt is not as funny in the US.
Most Controversial Post:
Do I really generate any controversy on this blog? I suppose a have a few that could at least be considered thought-provoking. I forgot I even wrote this post about
internet censorship in the run up to the 20th anniversary of the incident in Beijing that never really happened (no, really,
China Daily is now calling it a myth).
Most Helpful Post:
Kind of like the controversial post, I don't know how helpful I am. There were a couple posts on the mentality of students in English classes in China that might be helpful to prospective ESL teachers. There's one about the
work ethic of some students in my graduate classes and another about the similarities between
spoiled American and Chinese students.
Most Surprisingly Successful Post:
I had a post about the
Beijing Olympic English handbook, from which I had to teach 40 English-speaking police officers in Bao'an district, that got picked up by
Global Voices. Of course, I wasn't the first person to write about the handbook, but I didn't know it at the time. I had three posts about this, but this was the one that got picked up. I happen to think part 1 of the series was better.
Most Disappointing Post because it didn't get enough attention:
Everyone needs to show this old post some love and attention, otherwise it might turn to a life of drugs and crime. I'm a little disappointed that my post on the
Li River cruise didn't get more attention. I think I'm going to cry...OK, I won't, but you should still read the story--it includes a lot of photos.
Finally...The Post I'm Most Proud Of (you know, TripBase should've looked into parallelism of the category headings--I tried fixing the others, but got lazy on this one):
This is too difficult to choose. Therefore, I'd like to honor the memory of Danny with my post about the first time
I visited his restaurant in Guangzhou (back when he still called it Danny's Bagel and not Danny's Italian-American Restaurant).
My nominations for blogs to participate in this little project are
Far West China and
One Man Bandwidth,