Monday, August 27, 2007

No beer and no TV make a foreigner... something

I went to the foreign experts bureau today with one of the women from my new job. We had to stop at the immigration office first because they closed for lunch before her number was called in the morning. The whole process was for another foreign teacher who needs to renew his visa. And it sure did suck. They made everything difficult for this nice woman. Let me remind my readers that this was a visa renewal from the same school that this guy worked for last year and obtained using the same documents and process. The hassle began with stupid crap like, "this stamp isn't clear enough," and went to "this school is based in another city--you need to have their stamp here too." Yes, the graduate school is located here in Shenzhen, but the undergraduate university is in another city a few thousand miles away. They told her all this AFTER they had her pay for the processing. Finally, after about an hour of arguing, they took the visa application. Then we went to the foreign experts bureau to show them my original diplomas, which took a whole ten minutes and was entirely uneventful.

When I arrived home I was greeted with an email requesting me to write a paid post about another blog. For some reason, the request stipulated that I not disclose that it's a paid post. So, I had to decline the offer for ethical reasons. It's a shame, too--it would've been a decent site to review here.

The last note for the day is a link to an article for those of you who don't know much about Shenzhen. I read this just before I headed outside into the rain. It'll certainly make me think twice before forgetting my umbrella again. Enjoy:

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